Hello, my name is Penny, brand consultant, specialising in name and brand development for startups. 20+ years experience as a designer, branding agency owner and startup founder.

AI technologies have been instrumental in the development my startup brands across the past few years. It's been this delving into these new technologies, experiencing the power of the content and insights provided when guided by the right hand. Specifically years of traditional branding experience coupled with the power of innovative AI tools to shape the brand development process

My mission—to help your brand reach its full potential. Sharing what I've learnt and those solutions I've designed to really help businesses by setting them up for the win, in the best way I know how.

I believe in augmenting, not replacing, the human touch in branding. Our human-centric approach is focussed on leveraging the power of technology to empower and amplify every small business brands’ potential.

The Human Experience, Enhanced by AI

Our human-centric approach ensures that technology serves to enrich our experiences, empower our potential, and preserves what makes us uniquely human. We believe that AI tools should work hand in hand with human intuition to create brands that represent your unique identity.